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Knitting Handicraft

Bali Knitting Handicraft Products Wholesale and Supplier Garment Knitting Craft  was produced uniquely, with hands skills was processed in a traditional manner without using the production implement took the form of the machine.
Hands skills from Bali this take the form of various beautiful knitting wear products, knitting hats, knitting bikinis, knitting dresses, knitting bags, knitting sack, knitting scrafts, knitting shawls and knitting toys etc. For more detail please see below performance...QUALITY is OUR PRIORITY.

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Knitted Beaded Coin Purse

Knitted Beaded Coin Purse
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TARU CENDANA Handicraft Wholesaler
Jl. Cokroaminoto No.296 Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia
Tlp. +62 361 424554 - Fax. +62 361 424027 - Mobile. +62 81 138 0969
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Skype. juli_tarucendana1

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